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Correctly use regular expressions to extract word

I've got an ASP.NET Core project that requires me to read the response from a website and extract a certain word.

What I've tried was to replace the tags with white space, and remove the tags. Unfortunately, I'm not getting any where with this. What is a better approach?

I want to extract Toyota from these html tags

<td class="text-muted">Car Model</td>
<td><strong>Toyota 2015</strong></td>

I've tried:

var documentSource = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
//removes html content
Regex remove = new Regex(@"<[^>].+?>");
var strippedSource = remove.Replace(documentSource.Replace("\n", ""), "");
//convert to array
string[] siteContextArray = strippedSource.Split(',');
//matching string
var match = new Regex("Car Model ([^2015]*)");

List<Model> modelList = new List<Model>();
Model model = new Model();

foreach (var item in siteContextArray)
    var wordMatch = match.Match(item);
    if (wordMatch.Success)
            new Model
                CarModel = wordMatch.Groups[1].Value
return modelList;


  • Use NuGet to retrieve HTML Agility Pack on your solution.


    var html = @"
        <td class=""text-muted"">Car Model</td>
        <td><strong> Toyota 2015 </strong></td>
        <td class=""text-muted"">Car Model</td>
        <td><strong> Toyota 2016 </strong></td>
    var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
    var models = htmlDoc.DocumentNode
        .SelectNodes("//tr/td[text()='Car Model']")
        .Select(node => node.SelectSingleNode("following-sibling::*[1][self::td]").InnerText);

    By the way, I think it would be nice to add css class on the content element like

    <td class="car-model"><strong> Toyota 2016 </strong></td>

    Which will make the html more meaningful and easier to extract.