I am sending a long speech recognition file for speech recognition.
operation = client.long_running_recognize(config, audio)
operation_name = operation._operation.name
There is another file where I have to use operation_name
(returned by google speech API) to get back the response again.
ref: Python way of polling longrunning operations from operation name in Google Cloud?
I tried get_operation
method of the "Long-Running Operations Client":
from google.api_core import operations_v1
api = operations_v1.OperationsClient()
name = ...
response = api.get_operation(name)
but I get the following error for the line:
api = operations_v1.OperationsClient()
TypeError: init() missing 1 required positional argument: 'channel'
Got the answer on Github issues:
from google.cloud import speech
client = speech.SpeechClient()
from google.api_core import operations_v1
api = operations_v1.OperationsClient(client.transport.channel)
name = ...
response = api.get_operation(name)
reference : Github