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Identifying when logstash jdbc SQL statement has completed execution

I've set up a logstash pipeline watching a directory for logstash.confs with a jdbc input and elasticsearch output.

I enabled .logstash_jdbc_test_last_run, which logs the time when query is executed:

--- 2019-08-23 15:26:42.847349000 Z

When running logstash on the command line, my pipeline successfully processes a logstash conf file:

[2019-08-23T15:26:48,168][INFO ][logstash.inputs.jdbc     ] (5.250782s) select S0.* from mytable S0

I'm trying to have my application notified that logstash has finished processing a logstash conf and the data is available in ES. Is there a way to write the timestamp when the query has completed to a file (for use as a flag in my application)?


  • Ultimately I was able to get the desired result by leveraging multiple pipelines Thanks @apt-get_install_skill, you led me down the right path!


    - logstash
      pipeline.workers: 1
      path.config: "/tmp/logstash*.conf"
      queue.type: persisted
    - postprocessing
      pipeline.workers: 1
      path.config: "/tmp/postprocessing*.conf"


    input {
       jdbc {
    output   {
        elasticsearch {
        pipeline { send_to => [postProcessing] }

    postprocessing.conf, which uses the output from the logstash pipeline:

    input {
        pipeline { address => postProcessing }
    output {
            path => "/tmp/finishedflag"
            codec => "dots"

    Codec dots as I don't care about the data itself.

    When it runs, it will first run the logstash pipeline, and when it completes it runs the postprocessing pipeline.