While running my Puppeteer app with PM2's cluster mode enabled, during concurrent requests, only one of the processes seems to be utilized instead of all 4 (1 for each of my cores). Here's the basic flow of my program:
.then((resp) => {
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
const {webSocketUrl} = JSON.parse(resp.body);
let browser = await puppeteer.connect({browserWSEndpoint: webSocketUrl});
const page = await browser.newPage();
... //do puppeteer stuff
await page.close();
await browser.disconnect();
and here is the startChrome() function:
startChrome: function(){
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const opts = {
//chromeFlags: ["--no-sandbox", "--headless", "--use-gl=egl"],
userDataDir: "D:/pupeteercache",
output: 'json'
// Launch chrome using chrome-launcher.
const chrome = await chromeLauncher.launch(opts);
opts.port = chrome.port;
// Connect to it using puppeteer.connect().
resp = await util.promisify(request)(`http://localhost:${opts.port}/json/version`);
First, I use a package called chrome-launcher to start up chrome, I then setup a simple http server that listens for incoming requests to my app. When a request is recieved, i connect to the chrome endpoint i setup through chrome-launcher at the beginning.
When i now try to run this app within PM2's cluster mode, 4 separate chrome tabs are opened up (not sure why it works this way but alright), and everything seems to be running fine. But when I send the server 10 concurrent requests to test and see if all processes are getting used, only the first one is. I know this because when i run PM2 monit
, only the first process is using any memory.
Can someone explain to me why all the processes aren't utilized? Is it because of how i'm using chrome-launcher to only use one browser with multiple tabs instead of running multiple browsers?
You cannot use the same user directory for multiple instances at same time. If you pass a user directory, no matter what kind of launcher it is, it will automatically pick the running process and create a new tab on that instead.
Puppeteer creates a temporary profile whenever you want to launch the browser. So if you want to utilize 4 instances, pass it a different user data directory on each instance.