Given I have some function with signature like following
(define (my-method a [b 100])
(/ a b)
, how am I supposed to specify such signature in contract-out
[my-method (-> number? number? number?)])
and then in another module
(my-method 200)
is not helping as it emits error saying "contract violation, received: 1 arguments, expected: 2 non-keyword arguments". And I guess I cannot just combine two contracts with and without optional using or/c
Use ->*
and list mandatory arguments first (in a group), then optional arguments (in a second group), and then the result. There are more advanced options too; see the docs.
(->* [number?] ;; 1 mandatory argument
[number?] ;; 1 optional argument
This is covered in the Contracts chapter of Racket Guide, on the section named Optional Arguments.