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.NET Core AddHttpClient Dynamic Configuration

I'm using AddHttpClient extension to configure HttpClient used in my personal RestClient.

    public class RestClient : IRestClient
        public RestClient(IRestClientSettings settings, HttpClient httpClient)

    public class RestClientFactory
        public IRestClient Create(IRestClientSettings settings)
            // how to create IRestClient with above configuration??

    public static IServiceCollection AddServices(this IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddHttpClient<IRestClient, RestClient>((provider, client) =>
            // problem, this is always same binded instance, 
            // not the one provided in RestClientFactory
            var settings = provider.GetService<IRestClientSettings>(); 
            settings.ConfigureHttp(provider, client);

Everything is fine if I inject IRestClient in my services but the problem is when I want to dynamically create IRestClient using RestClientFactory to use custom configuration (not one provided by default DI binding for IRestClientSettings). How can I achieve that?

IRestClientSettings are just custom settings along with ConfigureHttp method where user can define custom HttpClient settings.


  • I've ended up using simplest solution by always creating IRestClient via IRestClientFactory.

    public class RestClientFactory : IRestClientFactory
            protected IHttpClientFactory HttpClientFactory { get; }
            protected IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; }
            public RestClientFactory(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
                HttpClientFactory = httpClientFactory;
                ServiceProvider = serviceProvider;
            public IRestClient Create()
                return Create(ServiceProvider.GetService<IRestClientSettings>());
            public IRestClient Create(IRestClientSettings settings)
                return new RestClient(

    And DI configuration

    public static IServiceCollection AddDotaClientService(this IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddTransient<IRestClient>(provider =>
                var clientFactory = provider.GetService<IRestClientFactory>();
                return clientFactory.Create();
            services.AddSingleton<IRestClientFactory, RestClientFactory>();
            return services;