I'm trying to take the value of free space from a drive, this is necessary to do an automatict procedure in a database server.
I got this script:
$query_drive_mount_point = @"
select distinct
convert(varchar(512), b.volume_mount_point) as [volume],
convert(varchar(512), b.logical_volume_name) as [logical_volume]
from sys.master_files as [a]
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_os_volume_stats(a.database_id, a.[file_id]) as [b]
[regex]$get_drive = '\w\:\\'
[regex]$get_drive_name = '\w'
[regex]$get_drive_space = '\d'
$mount_point = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$server_ip\$sql_engine,$sql_port" -Username "$sql_user" -Password "$sql_password" -Database Master -Query "$query_drive_mount_point"
$get_disk = $get_drive.Matches($mount_point) | Foreach-Object {$_.Value}
$get_disk_name = $get_drive_name.Matches($get_disk) | Foreach-Object {$_.Value}
$size_bytes_string = Get-PSDrive $get_disk_name | Select-Object -Property Free
[int]$size_bytes = $get_drive_space.Matches($size_bytes_string) | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$size_giga = ( ( ( $size_bytes )/1024 )/1024 )/1024
This code runs without problem until this line:
[int]$size_bytes = $get_drive_space.Matches($size_bytes_string) | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
It throws this error:
There was not found overload for "Matches" and args numbers is "1".
En línea: 1 Carácter: 1
+ $size_bytes = $get_drive_space.Matches($size_bytes_string) | ForEach- ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodCountCouldNotFindBest
The last error is a traduction made by me, the os is in spanish.
Again, the objective is to store only the free space value.
You need to select the value from the property you need, so this line:
$size_bytes_string = Get-PSDrive $get_disk_name | Select-Object -Property Free to
Should be changed to the following:
$size_bytes_string = Get-PSDrive $get_disk_name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Free
Alternatively you can format it as follows:
($size_bytes_string = Get-PSDrive $get_disk_name).Free