I'm creating a Symfony CMS by myself. I want to map paths like /login
and /{slug}
at the same time, but I don't know if it is possible.
I tried simply setting both of the paths in 2 different controllers, but that didn't seem to work.
*@Route('/login', name='login')
public function login(){}
*@Route('/{slug}', name='dynamic-site')
public function dynamicSite(){}
With the setup above, the second path is reached every single time. There is no way to visit login. I expected Symfony to first try finding hard-coded routes, but it seems like it doesn't work like that.
The routing tries to match routes one by one in the order of their definitions. So, you have to order your controllers. Probably you have
resource: '../src/Controller/'
type: annotation
You should add the "/login" before the "controllers" import
controller: App\Controller\Login
type: annotation
The result should be
# config/routes.yaml
controller: App\Controller\Login
type: annotation
controller: App\Controller\Slug
type: annotation
Don't forget to change controller names according to your application!
You may re-read the docs - https://symfony.com/doc/current/routing.html
I, personally, prefer to use yaml, because the order is very explicit.
You should test if it is possible to have both imports
controller: App\Controller\Login
type: annotation
resource: '../src/Controller/'
type: annotation
You may get an error. If the error appear, then you will have to list all your controllers 1 by 1.