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Code works on Anaconda but not on Python through cmd

I have code that runs over 7000 columns dataset with around 250k records

it works fine when I use Anaconda Spyder

but now I want to put this code to run based on Task Schedule

Therefore I am want to execute the code in cmd Command Prompt as

Python "c:\myfolder\"

It didn't work as Task Schedule

I start tracing the problem by running the script on Python from within cmd

I got this error, which I did not get when I was running through Spyder

How can I avoid such error

I thought it is because of the memory. when i select a subset of the dataset it runs fine but when I run the whole dataset i get this error

>>> df =pd.concat([df.drop('PreviousDRGs', 1), pd.get_dummies(df['PreviousDRGs'] .str.split(",", expand=True), prefix
 = 'PreviousDRGs').max(level=0, axis=1).asty pe(np.int8)], axis=1)

 Traceback (most recent call last):   File "<stdin>", line 1, in
 <module>   File
 line 11616, in stat_func return self._agg_by_level(name, axis=axis,
 level=level, skipna=skipna)   

 line 10440, in _agg_by_level grouped = self.groupby(level=level,
 axis=axis, sort=False)   

 line 7894, in groupby **kwargs   

 line 2522, in groupby return klass(obj, by, **kwds)   

 line 363, in __init__ obj._consolidate_inplace()   

 line 5252, in _consolidate_inplace self._protect_consolidate(f)   

 line 5241, in _protect_consolidate result = f()   

 line 5250, in f self._data = self._data.consolidate()   

 line 932, in consolidate bm._consolidate_inplace()   

 line 937, in _consolidate_inplace self.blocks =

 line 1913, in _consolidate list(group_blocks), dtype=dtype,

 File "C:\Users\decisionsupport\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\",
 line 3323, in _merge_blocks new_values = new_values[argsort]   
 numpy.core._exceptions.MemoryError: Unable to allocate array with
 shape (4524, 1 38299) and data type uint8


  • Looks like Anaconda may be using a 64-bit python. Your error traceback shows that your Task Scheduler is running your .py script using a 32-bit python. Either

    1. replace your 32-bit python with a 64-bit version
    2. or install a separate 64-bit python and tell Task Scheduler to use that to run your .py file.