Tell me how to solve the problem with depersonalizing personal data of clients in the MySQL database. My task is to make personal data of clients depersonalized during backup - full name, email. There is an e-commerce CMS, and I want this data to be changed during backup. How to implement this? Are there any examples? I imagine this as data changes during backup on the fly. Another option is a copy of the database and data changes through sql queries, and then anonymous backup. Tell me how to do it right and if possible an example. Thanks.
I solved the problem with GDPR data by the usual data masking by MySQL functions.
mysqldump -u %DB_LOGIN% -p%DB_PASSWORD% %DB_NAME% | mysql -u %DB_LOGIN% -p%DB_PASSWORD% %GDPR_DB_NAME%
mysql -u %DB_LOGIN% -p%DB_PASSWORD% -D %GDPR_DB_NAME% -e "UPDATE "customer_address_entity" SET company = CONCAT(SUBSTR(company, 1, 6), REPEAT('*', CHAR_LENGTH(company) - 6));" -vvv