I have created .js file by renaming current.iim(Recorded macro) to current.js in Imacro Firefox extension(Free Version). I run the file by clicking on play macro but getting error as
SyntaxError: can not parse macro line 1: iimPlay("Open6Tabs.iim");
Current.js having this code where Open6Tabs.iim is in Demo-Firefox folder iimPlay("Open6Tabs.iim");
Actual result:
SyntaxError: can not parse macro line 1: iimPlay("Open6Tabs.iim");"
Expected result: It should run successfully
"Expected result: It should run successfully":
Yeah, nice try @OP, you could better react and follow up...
=> Read my (1st) Reply to your previous Qt again..., I already gave you the Answer...!:
=> You need to mention your FCI (Full Config Info), like I've already asked you... "Firefox Extension(free)" is not enough... => Exact Version...? + exact Version for Browser...? + OS...?
OK, finally got your FCI, after 6 days, from your parallel Thread on the iMacros Forum:
Firefox Quantum 68.0.2(32 bit)
Imacro version :
Windows 10
(... with 3 Typos in "iMacros"...)
Yeah well, then the Answer/Explanation to your "Issue" is simply documented in the Release Notes for v10.0.2 for FF...! :idea:
The built-in Javascript scripting interface for playing .js files is no longer available.
Trouble finding your previous Thread/Qt...?: Imacro Firefox extension call another macro using js
(Got closed because no Follow-up from you + Low Quality + "Off-Topic".... I didn't agree with the "Off-Topic" but I couldn't do much about it as you didn't follow up yourself...)