I have some code ngOnInit that uses a routing variable to filter an observable array for a specific object:
this.route.paramMap.subscribe(params => { // Wrapper to get route param (ID)
this.store.dispatch(new fromStore.LoadObjects());
this.object$ = this.store.select(fromStore.getAllObjects).pipe(
objects => objects.filter(o => o.id === params.get('id'))[0]
Then I have the following to initialize a form:
this.objectDataForm = this.formBuilder.group({
'name': ['', Validators.required ],
'location': ['', Validators.required ]
I want to somehow connect my observable object to the form data to bring in as a default value. I think I need patchValue:
name: myValue1,
location: myValue2
But I cannot figure out how to put this patch value in a place where it gets the value at the right time and delivers it to the form. I could easily be nuking this...
You can make use of take(1)
operator. See here.
The flow would be:
.patchValue({ ... }, { emitEvent: false })
if you wish to skip this initial setup when subscribing to form's valueChanges