I need to access (in order to set up fast lane) a file on my iCloud Desktop. I would prefer for this file to remain here but have had difficulty accessing it.
I have already tried the following commands:
cd ~/Library/Mobile\ Desktop/com~apple~CloudDocs/fileName
cd ~/Library/Mobile\ Desktop/com~apple~CloudDocs/Desktop/fileName
cd ~/Desktop/fileName
but none seem to work.
It would be great if someone could help me figure out how to access this file via terminal as nothing seems to come up on the internet (only articles concerning iCloud Documents).
If you are in OSX Mojave (I'm in 10.15 beta)the location is:
where MyLoginID is your username.
Terminal is more secure in Mojave so you need to go to system preferences/security and privacy and the 'privacy' tab. in the box to the left, roll down to "full disk access" and check the box next to "terminal" otherwise it won't let you access the directory.
If you want to make a quick link in your home directory enter the command:
ln -s /Users/MyLoginID/Library/CloudStorage/iCloudDrive iCloud