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How to run selected Python codes using SublimeREPL

I have set up the sublimeREPL and can run a .py file using Command + B with no problem. However, I was wondering how to run selected lines of codes only instead of the whole file.

On, it says that SublimeREPL supports "Quickly run selected script." But how to do it? Thank you!


  • Install SublimeREPL following guide on their GitHub repository.

    Create or open your python script. Then, using Command Palette, type SublimeREPL: Python and select it. It should open a Python REPL.

    They listed shortcuts for running parts of python file at their documentation, but I'll also list them here:

    • ctrl+,, s -> Evaluate in REPL selection
    • ctrl+,, f -> Evaluate in REPL file
    • ctrl+,, l(L) -> Evaluate in REPL line
    • ctrl+,, b -> Evaluate in REPL block of code

    Note: ctrl+,, s means:

    1. press Ctrl and Comma
    2. release all
    3. press s.

    In the example below, I ran 3 print statements by selecting them and by pressing ctrl+,, s shortcut:

    Sublime REPL run lines