Data Sample:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Data1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Data1
create table #Data1 (ControlNo int, ClaimID int, DateCreated date, loss money)
insert into #Data1 values (51294, 54986,'2019-07-24', 3000),
(51294, 54986,'2019-07-25', 2963.41),
(51294, 54986,'2019-07-26', 2963.41),
(51294, 54986,'2019-08-19', 2963.41),
(51294, 54986,'2019-08-22', 2963.41),
(51294, 55027,'2019-07-25', 929),
(51294, 55027,'2019-07-26', 929),
(51294, 55027,'2019-08-19', 929),
(51294, 55027,'2019-08-22', 929)
select * from #Data1
Calendar Table:
DECLARE @MinDate DATE = CAST(DATEADD(YY, -1, getdate()) as DATE), -- a year from today
;WITH cte_Calendar AS (
SELECT TOP (DATEDIFF(DAY, @MinDate, @MaxDate) + 1)
Date = DATEADD(DAY, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY a.object_id) - 1, @MinDate)
FROM sys.all_objects a
CROSS JOIN sys.all_objects b
) select * into #Calendar from cte_Calendar
select * from #Calendar
Each ControlNo can have more than one ClaimID, unique DateCreated and Loss amount, that tells us what loss we had at that particular date (point of time)
I also have a calendar table that have Date
field 365 days back from today's date. For example if today is 08/24/2019
, then calendar table would start from 08/24/2018
till 08/24/2019
How can I write a query that would return each day starting from first DateCreated
) till last DateCreated
) and Loss need to be summed up by ControlNo
and DateCreated
Or maybe I should say for each calendar date I need the sum of loss for each ClaimID
and DateCreated
So calendar date 2019-07-24 we only have $3,000
For date '2019-07-25' we have two claims: $2,963.41 for ClaimID
54986 and $929 for ClaimID
55027 which gives us total for that date and ControlNo
And so on...
So the outcome should return 3 columns: Calendar Date
, ControlNo
, Loss
Not sure about its efficiency but you can test it:
cal as (
select d.controlno,
from #Calendar c cross join (
select distinct controlno from #Data1
) d
cte as (
select c.controlno,, sum(d.loss) loss
from cal c left join #Data1 d
on d.controlno = c.controlno and d.datecreated =
group by c.controlno,
select c.controlno,,
select cc.loss from cte cc
where cc.controlno = c.controlno and = (
select max(date) from cte
where controlno = c.controlno and date < and loss is not null
from cte c
See the demo.