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How to calculate value for each calendar day?

Data Sample:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Data1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Data1
create table #Data1 (ControlNo int, ClaimID int, DateCreated date, loss money)
insert into #Data1 values (51294, 54986,'2019-07-24', 3000),
                          (51294, 54986,'2019-07-25', 2963.41),
                          (51294, 54986,'2019-07-26', 2963.41),
                          (51294, 54986,'2019-08-19', 2963.41),
                          (51294, 54986,'2019-08-22', 2963.41),
                          (51294, 55027,'2019-07-25', 929),
                          (51294, 55027,'2019-07-26', 929),
                          (51294, 55027,'2019-08-19', 929),
                          (51294, 55027,'2019-08-22', 929)
select * from #Data1

Calendar Table:

DECLARE @MinDate DATE = CAST(DATEADD(YY, -1, getdate()) as DATE),  -- a year from today
        @MaxDate DATE =  CAST(GETDATE() as DATE);
;WITH cte_Calendar AS (
SELECT  TOP (DATEDIFF(DAY, @MinDate, @MaxDate) + 1)
        Date = DATEADD(DAY, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY a.object_id) - 1, @MinDate)

FROM    sys.all_objects a
        CROSS JOIN sys.all_objects b
) select *  into #Calendar from  cte_Calendar
select  * from #Calendar

Each ControlNo can have more than one ClaimID, unique DateCreated and Loss amount, that tells us what loss we had at that particular date (point of time)

enter image description here

I also have a calendar table that have Date field 365 days back from today's date. For example if today is 08/24/2019, then calendar table would start from 08/24/2018 till 08/24/2019

enter image description here

How can I write a query that would return each day starting from first DateCreated (2019-07-24) till last DateCreated (2019-08-22) and Loss need to be summed up by ControlNo and DateCreated.

Or maybe I should say for each calendar date I need the sum of loss for each ClaimID and DateCreated

So calendar date 2019-07-24 we only have $3,000 For date '2019-07-25' we have two claims: $2,963.41 for ClaimID 54986 and $929 for ClaimID 55027 which gives us total for that date and ControlNo $3,892.41 And so on...

So the outcome should return 3 columns: Calendar Date, ControlNo, Loss

enter image description here


  • Not sure about its efficiency but you can test it:

      cal as (
        select d.controlno,
        from #Calendar c cross join (
          select distinct controlno from #Data1 
        ) d
      cte as (
        select c.controlno,, sum(d.loss) loss
        from cal c left join #Data1 d
        on d.controlno = c.controlno and d.datecreated =
        group by c.controlno,
    select c.controlno,, 
          select cc.loss from cte cc 
          where cc.controlno = c.controlno and = (
            select max(date) from cte
            where controlno = c.controlno and date < and loss is not null
    from cte c 

    See the demo.