I'm trying to redirect Printf to UART to output to a console like CoolTerm etc, without success, I'm using the "PIC24F Curiosity Development Board" with PIC24FJ128GA204, MPLAB X v5.25, MCC v3.85.1
after search google and microchip forums, I have got up with this On Youtube On Microchip DM240004 docs
UART Settings:
Pin Manager:
CoolTerm doesn't even recognize the board as a serial port.
I expect to be able to print out from the board with printf to CoolTerm, TeraTerm, etc.
Unlike Arduino, Teensy or other boards, on your Curiosity the USB is not an emulated serial port.
According to the screenshots on your question, you're trying to set up a UART on Port C. If that's what you want to do you'll have to look at your board schematic and connect those pins to a TTL serial port. If you want to see the printf outputs on the screen of your PC you need either a TTL to RS232 (if your computer still have a good old serial port, which I very much doubt) or a USB-to-serial adaptor with the appropriate levels (check the datasheet or just get one that can work on both 3.3V or 5V).
As far as I can tell, the micro USB port on your board can only be used for programing and/or debugging.