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How can I listen for global mouse events in Elm 0.19?

To listen for mouse events on an HTML element in Elm, we can use Html.Events.onClick. However, I want to listen for mouse clicks anywhere on the document.

I found the elm-lang/mouse package that provides Mouse.clicks which seems to be intended for just that. On Elm 0.18, it can be installed like this:

elm-package install elm-lang/mouse

And imported like this:

import Mouse exposing (clicks)

But on Elm 0.19, the command

elm install elm-lang/mouse

does not work:

The following packages do not work with Elm 0.19.0 right now:


No reason is given in the console output. The documentation does not seem to indicate anything about this module has changed with version 0.19.

How can I install the module? Or alternatively, how can I use Elm's standard library to listen for mouse clicks globally (on the document)?


  • The package has been merged into elm/browser. So rather than Mouse.clicks, you now use Browser.Events.onClick. See the documentation for the browser package here.

    To retrieve the mouse position, use Json.Decode:

    import Browser.Events exposing (onClick)
    import Json.Decode as Decode
    type alias Msg =
        { x : Int, y : Int }
    subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
    subscriptions model =
            (Decode.map2 Msg
                (Decode.field "pageX"
                (Decode.field "pageY"

    For other attributes, see the documentation on MouseEvent.

    Quick online demo for click and move.