I would like to get some unit test coverage on the following code:
public static class ExceptionExtensions {
public static IEnumerable<Exception> SelfAndAllInnerExceptions(
this Exception e) {
yield return e;
while (e.InnerException != null) {
e = e.InnerException; //5
yield return e; //6
Edit: it appears I did not need Moles to test this code. Also, I had a bug with lines 5 and 6 reversed.
This is what I got (did not need Moles afterall):
public class GivenException
Exception _innerException, _outerException;
public void Setup()
_innerException = new Exception("inner");
_outerException = new Exception("outer", _innerException);
public void WhenNoInnerExceptions()
Assert.That(_innerException.SelfAndAllInnerExceptions().Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));
public void WhenOneInnerException()
Assert.That(_outerException.SelfAndAllInnerExceptions().Count(), Is.EqualTo(2));
public void WhenOneInnerException_CheckComposition()
var exceptions = _outerException.SelfAndAllInnerExceptions().ToList();
Assert.That(exceptions[0].InnerException.Message, Is.EqualTo(exceptions[1].Message));