I am trying to setup mitmproxy so that I can make a request from my browser to https://{my-domain}
and have it return a response from my local server running at http://localhost:3000 instead, but I cannot get the https request to reach my local server. I see the debugging statements from mitmproxy. Also, I can get it working for http traffic, but not for https.
I read the mitmproxy addon docs and api docs I've installed the cert and I can monitor https through the proxy.
I'm using Mitmproxy: 4.0.4 and Python: 3.7.4
This is my addon (local-redirect.py) and how I run mitmproxy:
from mitmproxy import ctx
import mitmproxy.http
class LocalRedirect:
def __init__(self):
print('Loaded redirect addon')
def request(self, flow: mitmproxy.http.HTTPFlow):
if 'my-actual-domain-here' in flow.request.pretty_host:
ctx.log.info("pretty host is: %s" % flow.request.pretty_host)
flow.request.host = "localhost"
flow.request.port = 3000
flow.request.scheme = 'http'
addons = [
$ mitmdump -s local-redirect.py | grep pretty
When I visit the url form my server, I see the logging statement, but my browser hangs on the request and there is no request made to my local server.
The above addon was fine, however my local server did not support HTTP2.
Using the --no-http2
option was a quick fix:
mitmproxy -s local-redirect.py --no-http2 --view-filter localhost
mitmdump -s local-redirect.py --no-http2 localhost