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Git Commands equivalent fo Clearcase commands?

Can anyone help me to know the Git commands equivalent of clearcase commands?


  • I have documented extensively the differences between Git and ClearCase by the past (file-based vs repo-based, centralized vs. distributed)

    This is not about dynamic view and MVFS, since Git is (slowly) incorporating the equivalent, VFS for Git (formely known as GVFS).

    This is about:

    If you were using ClearCase UCM, then the relevant unit of work is an UCM component, which is akin to a Git repository:

    ct mkview/co <==> git clone/checkout 
    ct mkbl      <==> git tag
    ct ci        <==> git commit+git push
    ct deliver   <==> git merge
    ct rebase    <==> git rebase (to an extent)