Received AttributeError when web-scraping but i am unsure what i a doing wrong? what does AttributeError mean?
response_obj = requests.get('').text
soup = BeautifulSoup(response_obj,'lxml')
Population_Census_Table = soup.find('table', {'class':'wikitable sortable'})
preparation of the table
rows ="tbody > tr")[3:8]
jurisdiction = []
for row in rows:
jurisdiction = {}
tds ='td')
jurisdiction["jurisdiction"] = tds[0].text.strip()
jurisdiction["population_census"] = tds[1].text.strip()
jurisdiction["%_white"] = float(tds[2].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_black_or_african_amercian"] = float(tds[3].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_Asian"] = float(tds[4].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_other"] = float(tds[5].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_mixed_race"] = float(tds[6].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_hispanic_latino_of_other_race"] = float(tds[7].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_catholic"] = float(tds[7].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_jewish"] = float(tds[8].text.strip().replace(",",""))
` `print(jurisdiction)
---> 18 jurisdiction.append(jurisdiction) AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'append'
You start with jurisdiction
as a list and immediately make it as a dict. You then treat as a dict until the error line where you try to treat it again as a list. I think you need another name for the list at the start. Possibly you meant jurisdictions (plural) as list. However, IMO there are two other areas that also definitely need fixing:
find returns a single table. The labels/keys in your dict indicate you want to a later table (not the first match)
Your indexing is incorrect for the target table
You want something like:
import requests, re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
response_obj = requests.get('').text
soup = BeautifulSoup(response_obj,'lxml')
Population_Census_Table = soup.select_one('.wikitable:nth-of-type(5)') #use css selector to target correct table.
jurisdictions = []
rows ="tbody > tr")[3:8]
for row in rows:
jurisdiction = {}
tds ='td')
jurisdiction["jurisdiction"] = tds[0].text.strip()
jurisdiction["population_census"] = tds[1].text.strip()
jurisdiction["%_white"] = float(tds[2].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_black_or_african_amercian"] = float(tds[3].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_Asian"] = float(tds[4].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_other"] = float(tds[5].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_mixed_race"] = float(tds[6].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_hispanic_latino_of_other_race"] = float(tds[7].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_catholic"] = float(tds[10].text.strip().replace(",",""))
jurisdiction["%_jewish"] = float(tds[12].text.strip().replace(",",""))