I’ve been working on an IK/FK joint matching script, that I managed to finally get working correctly last month. Today start I up Maya, run the script and while the interface loads up, I received the following errors…
This one upon running loading script:
# Error: NameError: file <maya console> line 196: global name 'Fks' is not defined #
and this one upon clicking my ‘select root joint chain’ button:
# Error: NameError: file <maya console> line 1: name 'select_joints_afk' is not defined #
I’m really new to this so I really don’t understand what exactly is going on
class Create_Selection_Chains(object):
def __init__(self, name, *args):
self.Fks = Fks
self.Ikw = Ikw
self.Pv = ikpv
self.name = name
self.combined_selection = self.Fks+self.Ikw+self.Pv
print("List created"+self.name)
def select_joints_afk(self):
if cmds.ls(selection = True,type=("transform",'nurbsCurve')):
sel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
fks = sel
fkCtrls = cmds.listRelatives(sel, allDescendents=True, type=("transform",'nurbsCurve'))
Fks = [nurbsCurve for nurbsCurve in fkCtrls if nurbsCurve.startswith('FK') & nurbsCurve.endswith('Ctrl')]
cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(gtF0, edit = True, tx ='' .join(sel),buttonLabel='IK OK',backgroundColor = (.5,.8,.2))
del Fks[1]
del Fks[2]
print Fks
return self.Fks
text = cmds.confirmDialog( title='Error', message='Must select joint', button=['OK'],
defaultButton='Ok', dismissString='No' )
def select_joints_aikw(self):
if cmds.ls(selection = True,type=("transform",'nurbsCurve')):
sel=cmds.ls(selection = True)
ikwrist = sel
Ikw = [nurbsCurve for nurbsCurve in ikwrist if nurbsCurve.startswith('IK') & nurbsCurve.endswith('Ctrl')]
cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(gtF1, edit = True, tx ='' .join(ikwrist),buttonLabel='IK OK',backgroundColor = (.5,.8,.2))
print Ikw
return self.ikw
text = cmds.confirmDialog( title='Error', message='Must select joint', button=['OK'], defaultButton='Ok',
dismissString='No' )
def select_joints_ikpv(self):
if cmds.ls(selection = True,type=("transform",'nurbsCurve')):
sel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
ikPvsel = sel
ikpv = [nurbsCurve for nurbsCurve in ikPvsel if nurbsCurve.startswith('IK') & nurbsCurve.endswith('Ctrl')]
cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(gtF2, edit = True, tx ='' .join(ikPvsel),buttonLabel='IK OK',backgroundColor = (.5,.8,.2))
print ikpv
return self.ikpv
text = cmds.confirmDialog( title='Error', message='Must select joint', button=['OK'],
defaultButton='Ok', dismissString='No' )
I was told that if I pass the variables into the class when you instantiate it, as long as I pass the required arguments it should run fine, however upon changing
def __init__(self, name, *args):
def __init__(self, name, Fks, Ikw, ikpv):
I receive the following message upon loading my script in maya
# Error: TypeError: file <maya console> line 413: __init__() takes at least 5 arguments (2 given) #
line 413 is where I load my instances...:
left_arm_select = Create_Selection_Chains("left arm")
Could someone help me understand what is hapening? because I thought I was passing all my arguments
In short, calling Create_Selection_Chains(...)
now requires three more arguments. Why?
__init__(self, name, Fks, Ikw, ikpv)
requires several positional arguments, i.e. name, Fks, Ikw, ikpv
__init__(self, name, *args):
requires one positional argument (name
) and 0 to many arbitrary arguments (*args
). Solution: pass in more values at instantiation, e.g. Create_Selection_Chains("left arm", "foo", "bar", "baz")
class Create_Selection_Chains(object):
def __init__(self, name, *args):
self.Fks = Fks
self.Ikw = Ikw
self.Pv = ikpv
self.name = name
As you have likely discovered, __init__(self, name, *args)
doesn't work since args
isn't mapped to anything and Fks
, Ikw
and ikpv
are not defined. This will throw an error.
Consider the following as one of many options:
class Create_Selection_Chains:
def __init__(self, name, fks, ikw, ikpv):
self.name = name
self.fks = fks
self.ikw = ikw
self.pv = ikpv
Finally, pass more values in at instantiation, e.g.:
left_arm_select = Create_Selection_Chains("left arm", "foo", "bar", "baz")