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Error in eval(substitute(x), data, parent.frame()) : argument "data" is missing, with no default

When I run the code below (given by the professor), I got the error

eval(substitute(x), data, parent.frame()) : argument "data" is missing, with no default

Also, I see some use the est="" and some use the statistics="": which one is the right one to use?

I try to include library (dplyr) and library(statsr) but that did not solve the problem.

back = as.factor(c(rep("correct", 11), rep("wrong", 1)))
inference(back, est = "proportion", type = "ht", method = "simulation",
success = "correct", null = 0.1, alternative = "greater", seed = 654, nsim = 100)


  • With a few adjustments (discussed in comments) this seems to work:

    • you need to have the focal variable (back) as a variable in a data frame, and specify that data frame via the data argument
    • what you have as the est argument should be called statistic instead
    back <- as.factor(c(rep("correct", 11), rep("wrong", 1)))
    dd <- data.frame(back)  ## embed the variable in a data frame
              data = dd,                 ## include data argument
              statistic = "proportion",  ## est -> statistic
              type = "ht", method = "simulation",
              success = "correct", null = 0.1, 
              alternative = "greater", seed = 654, nsim = 100)

    If you read the help page for ?inference carefully, you'll see that these answers (especially "should I use est or statistic?") are embedded there ...