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VHDL: formal port 'portName' has no actual or default value

I receive a compilation error on VHDL test bench instantiating VHDL module PWM: "formal port 'Duty_Cycle' has no actual or default value". The error is seen when standing on "dev_to_test: PWM" line of code. In instantiated PWM module the Duty_Cycle stg_logic_vector is casted to unsigned and then is assigned to integer but don't think this may influence the port instantiation. I tried to pass the "00001111" vector value in the port map, which results in the same error. Please, help determine what the error is.

architecture test of test_pwm is
component PWM
    Generic (
        BIT_DEPTH   : integer;
        INPUT_CLK   : integer; -- 50MHz
        FREQ        : integer); -- 50Hz
    Port (
        Pwm_Out     : out std_logic;
        Duty_Cycle  : in std_logic_vector(BIT_DEPTH - 1 downto 0);
        Clk         : in std_logic;
        Enable      : in std_logic);
end component;

constant BIT_DEPTH  : integer := 8;
constant INPUT_CLK  : integer := 125000000; -- 50MHz
constant FREQ       : integer := 50; -- 50Hz

signal Enable      : std_logic := '0';
signal Duty_Cycle  : std_logic_vector(BIT_DEPTH - 1 downto 0) := "00001111";
signal Clk         : std_logic := '1';
signal Pwm_Out     : std_logic;   

    dev_to_test: PWM
        generic map(BIT_DEPTH,INPUT_CLK,FREQ);
        port map(Pwm_Out,Duty_Cycle,Clk,Enable);


  • IEEE Std 1076-2008

    11.7 Component instantiation statements

    component_instantiation_statement ::=
        instantiation_label :
                [ generic_map_aspect ]
                [ port_map_aspect ] ; 


    generic_map_aspect ::=     
       generic map (generic_association_list ) 

    You have a semicolon too much at the end of generic map(BIT_DEPTH,INPUT_CLK,FREQ);, for this reason, it is not seeing the mapping of the ports and giving you the error. To solve the error just delete that semicolon:

    dev_to_test: PWM
            generic map(BIT_DEPTH,INPUT_CLK,FREQ)
            port map(Pwm_Out,Duty_Cycle,Clk,Enable);

    PS: to reduce the risk of design errors, it is good practice to use named association in port and generic mapping instead of positional.