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How to highlight a word or an alphabet in Tkinter Text widget?

Suppose this is the program that I need to use and I want the find() function to select the word "Hello" from Text widget when it is called-

from Tkinter import *
def find():
root = Tk()
tx = Text(root)
bu = Button(root, text = "Find Hello", command = find)

When the Button "Find Hello" is pressed the widget will look like this.Text Widget


  • I made a simple program to select all the Hellos in the Text:

    from tkinter import *
    def find_nth(haystack, needle, n):                                   #Function to find the index of nth substring in a string
        start = haystack.find(needle)
        while start >= 0 and n > 1:
            start = haystack.find(needle, start+len(needle))
            n -= 1
        return start
    def find():
        word = "H"                                                       #Targetted Word  
        text, line = tx.get("1.0",END), 0                                #text getting text of the widget
        text = text.split("\n")                                          #splitting and getting list on the newlines
        for x, i in enumerate(text):                                     #Looping through that list
            if word in i:                                                #if targetted word is in the xth string i of the list
                for e in range(0, i.count(word)):
                    index = find_nth(i, word, e+1)                       #Getting the index of the word
                    start = float(str(x+1)+"."+str(index))               #Making the indices for tkinter
                    end = float(str(x+1)+"."+str(index+len(word)))       #Making the indices for tkinter
                    tx.focus()                                           #Focusing on the Text widget to make the selection visible
                    tx.tag_add("sel", start, end)                        #selecting from index start till index end
    root = Tk()
    tx = Text(root)
    tx.insert(END, "World Hello World\nHello World Hello Hello\nHello Hello")
    bu = Button(root, text = "Find Hello", command = find)


    enter image description here

    I used this answer for help.