I use the built-in "Remember me" functionnality of Laravel 5.8. I checked the cookies and saw the remember-me
cookie expires in about 5 years. That is way to long and I would like to shorten it. As Laravel automaticly creates the cookie, I don't have the hand on it. How can I do this ?
The remember me duration can be overridden by overriding the AuthenticatesUsers
trait. You could add the following code to LoginController
that overrides the trait in the following controller:
protected function sendLoginResponse(Request $request)
$customRememberMeTimeInMinutes = 10;
$rememberTokenCookieKey = Auth::getRecallerName();
Cookie::queue($rememberTokenCookieKey, Cookie::get($rememberTokenCookieKey), $customRememberMeTimeInMinutes);
return $this->authenticated($request, $this->guard()->user())
?: redirect()->intended($this->redirectPath());
An alternative is to invalidate the remember me session by setting the remember_token
in the users
table to an empty value.
$user = Auth::user();
$user->remember_token = null;