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Querying Firestore documents by Array or Map fields values in Firebase console

Here, I want to query by the value "ministoreid1" in Firebase console. But I am not able to figure out. Here, I am trying to do the query in console not using codes.


  • Here, I am trying to do the query in console not using codes.

    Unfortunately, there is currently no way you can filter your documents in the Firebase console according to a value that exist in an array. As you can see, there are only the following operators:

    == is equal to

    > is after

    >= is after and includes

    < is before

    <= is before and includes

    But an whereArrayContains option it is not present yet. I recommend you file a feature request for that. It might be also useful for other developers.

    The query that you perform in the console does't return any results because you are checking if the mini_stores_assigned is equal to ministoreid1, which obviously is not since the mini_stores_assigned property is an array and not a String so you can compare them.