I've looked around for a bit now at other suggestions relating to this, but nothing I've seen has quite suited my needs, so here goes!
What I have is a multi-class (Australian secondary school; Years 7-12), multi-day (Mon-Fri) school timetable. What I now want to build is a MySQL database with the following information to be deployed on an account driven website.
- Subjects:
- Running time (as "Period 1 on Wednesday", "Period 2 on Friday", etc. -- multiple values in this column)
- Instructor (linked to separate database of all teachers) -- This would additionally need to change (temporarily) if a teacher was sick and replaced; perhaps a "replacementinstructor" column to be ignorned when NULL.
- Location (different, but specifically allocated, rooms on different days) -- As above, change temporarily when room altered.
- Other obviousnesses: Course name ("Year 7 Health"), Unique ID (Something like "7.HEALTH", rather than just auto-incrementing INT.), etc.
- Teachers:
- First name, last name
- Courses they take
- Contact info
- Other obviousnesses: Unique ID (Auto-incrementing INT), Username (fname.lname), Password for their account, etc.
- Students:
- First name, last name
- Courses they attend (stored as an individual list for each student)
- Year level / Form (Year 7, Year 11, etc.)
- Basic personal info (Home suburb, email, etc.)
- More obviousnesses: Unique ID (same setup as teachers), Username (same as teachers), password, etc.
Any insight as to how I might design such a data structure would be greatly appreciated, I'm more of a UI fanatic than a MySQL thinker ;-D
Thanks in advance.
I can think of the following tables to use in MySQL:
Student information
- id (auto_increment)
- firstname
- lastname
- username
- password
- student_id (I had a student ID but I can't remember if I was given this in yr 7 or yr 10)
- year
- email
- contact_phone
- street
- suburb
Teacher information
- id (auto_increment)
- firstname
- lastname
- title (Dr, Mrs, etc)
- username
- password
- email
- contact_phone
- street
- suburb
All the different subjects
- id (auto_increment)
- subject
- subject_code (eg 7.HEALTH)
- year
Various locations around the school
- id (auto_increment)
- location (eg BLOCK A, ROOM 2, MUSIC ROOM)
What subjects each teacher teaches
- id (auto_increment)
- subject_id
- teacher_id
Which subjects each student takes
- id (auto_increment)
- subject_id
- student_id
Main Timetable
- id (auto_increment)
- subject_id
- location_id
- teacher_id
- alt_teacher_id (eg substitute teacher)
- duration
- period (number 1-however many periods in a day. 6 if I remember correctly)
- week (number 1-2 or even perhaps 1-52)
- weekday (number 1-5)
- notes (as @Oswald suggested you could add additional notes for when things change)
The notes could be collated and then displayed as footnotes on the timetable.