I want to get a state object inside a component I have created in Angular. However always the value is not loaded properly and undefined. Why is this going wrong? If I use the if statement the method is working fine but I don't get why it's going wrong. How can I load this properly?
const initialState: any = {
id: 'campaignID1',
name: 'Campagne 1'
export function reducer(state: Campaign = initialState, action: CampaignActions.Actions) {
switch (action.type) {
case CampaignActions.CHANGE_CAMPAIGN:
return {
id: action.payload.id,
name: action.payload.name
export const CHANGE_CAMPAIGN = '[Campaign] Change';
export class ChangeCampaign implements Action {
readonly type = CHANGE_CAMPAIGN;
constructor(public payload: Campaign) {
export type Actions = ChangeCampaign;
ngOnInit() {
this.store.pipe(select('campaign')).subscribe(x => {
if (x === undefined) { <------ THIS SHOULD BE UNNECESSARY
} else {
const params = new HttpParams()
.set('campaignId', x.id);
this.resourceService.list(params, '/campaign').subscribe(resources => {
this.resources = resources;
This is happening because you are not returning the initial state in case of unknown action [or default]. You should return the initial state in case of default
action. Change your reducer like this:
export function reducer(state: Campaign = initialState, action: CampaignActions.Actions) {
switch (action.type) {
case CampaignActions.CHANGE_CAMPAIGN:
return {
id: action.payload.id,
name: action.payload.name
return state;
Hope it helps.