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Apply `qwraps2` on nested groups

With the package qwraps2 we can create nice summary tables in HTML and Latex.

Grouped data.frames with one group are supported as well but what about nested groups? Is there a way to directly pass a data.frame with nested groups to qwraps2::summary_table()?

Alternatively, is there a way to cbind() two outputs?

Consider the following:

R code


our_summary1 <-
    list("Miles Per Gallon" =
                 list("min" = ~ min(.data$mpg),
                      "max" = ~ max(.data$mpg),
                      "mean (sd)" = ~ qwraps2::mean_sd(.data$mpg)),
         "Displacement" =
                 list("min" = ~ min(.data$disp),
                      "median" = ~ median(.data$disp),
                      "max" = ~ max(.data$disp),
                      "mean (sd)" = ~ qwraps2::mean_sd(.data$disp)),
         "Weight (1000 lbs)" =
                 list("min" = ~ min(.data$wt),
                      "max" = ~ max(.data$wt),
                      "mean (sd)" = ~ qwraps2::mean_sd(.data$wt)),
         "Forward Gears" =
                 list("Three" = ~ qwraps2::n_perc0(.data$gear == 3),
                      "Four"  = ~ qwraps2::n_perc0(.data$gear == 4),
                      "Five"  = ~ qwraps2::n_perc0(.data$gear == 5))

summary_table(mtcars %>% dplyr::group_by(vs), our_summary1)


I would like to group by vs and gear however. Each vs group would consequently have three gear subgroups (gear == 3, 4, or 5).

The following results in an error:

summary_table(mtcars %>% dplyr::group_by(vs, gear), our_summary1)
Error in dimnames(x) <- dn : length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent


  • You can add a column manually or use interaction(vs, gear) for grouping:

    options(qwraps2_markup = "markdown")
    summary_table(mtcars %>% 
                    dplyr::mutate(vsgear = paste0("vs = ", vs, ", gear = ", gear)) %>% 
                    dplyr::group_by(vsgear), our_summary1)
    summary_table(mtcars %>% dplyr::group_by(interaction(vs, gear, sep=",")), our_summary1)
    ###showing results for the second option only
    #> |                       |interaction(vs, gear): 0,3 (N = 12) |interaction(vs, gear): 1,3 (N = 3) |interaction(vs, gear): 0,4 (N = 2) |interaction(vs, gear): 1,4 (N = 10) |interaction(vs, gear): 0,5 (N = 4) |interaction(vs, gear): 1,5 (N = 1) |
    #> |:----------------------|:-----------------------------------|:----------------------------------|:----------------------------------|:-----------------------------------|:----------------------------------|:----------------------------------|
    #> |**Miles Per Gallon**   |&nbsp;&nbsp;                        |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                        |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; min       |10.4                                |18.1                               |21.0                               |17.8                                |15.0                               |30.4                               |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; max       |19.2                                |21.5                               |21.0                               |33.9                                |26.0                               |30.4                               |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; mean (sd) |15.05 &plusmn; 2.77                 |20.33 &plusmn; 1.93                |21.00 &plusmn; 0.00                |25.24 &plusmn; 5.54                 |19.12 &plusmn; 5.02                |30.40 &plusmn;  NA                 |
    #> |**Displacement**       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                        |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                        |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; min       |275.8                               |120.1                              |160.0                              |71.1                                |120.3                              |95.1                               |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; median    |355.0                               |225.0                              |160.0                              |114.5                               |223.0                              |95.1                               |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; max       |472.0                               |258.0                              |160.0                              |167.6                               |351.0                              |95.1                               |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; mean (sd) |357.62 &plusmn; 71.82               |201.03 &plusmn; 72.01              |160.00 &plusmn; 0.00               |115.62 &plusmn; 38.54               |229.32 &plusmn; 113.93             |95.10 &plusmn;  NA                 |
    #> |**Weight (1000 lbs)**  |&nbsp;&nbsp;                        |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                        |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; min       |3.435                               |2.465                              |2.620                              |1.615                               |2.140                              |1.513                              |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; max       |5.424                               |3.460                              |2.875                              |3.440                               |3.570                              |1.513                              |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; mean (sd) |4.10 &plusmn; 0.77                  |3.05 &plusmn; 0.52                 |2.75 &plusmn; 0.18                 |2.59 &plusmn; 0.69                  |2.91 &plusmn; 0.61                 |1.51 &plusmn;  NA                  |
    #> |**Forward Gears**      |&nbsp;&nbsp;                        |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                        |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |&nbsp;&nbsp;                       |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; Three     |12 (100)                            |3 (100)                            |0 (0)                              |0 (0)                               |0 (0)                              |0 (0)                              |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; Four      |0 (0)                               |0 (0)                              |2 (100)                            |10 (100)                            |0 (0)                              |0 (0)                              |
    #> |&nbsp;&nbsp; Five      |0 (0)                               |0 (0)                              |0 (0)                              |0 (0)                               |4 (100)                            |1 (100)                            |