A classmethod
, whether defined inline or as part of the metaclass
can always be called on the type:
class eggs( type ):
def f1( cls ):
print( "eggs" )
class spam( metaclass = eggs ):
def f2( cls ):
print( "spam" )
f = spam()
type(f).f2() #--> spam
type(f).f1() #--> eggs
However, it seems a classmethod
defined in a meta-class cannot be called on an instance:
f.f2() #--> spam
f.f1() #--> AttributeError
Why is this?
Classes are instances of their metaclass; you can call the metaclass defined methods on the class itself (because it's an instance of the metaclass), but they're not available to instances of the class (because they're not instances of the metaclass).
This is intentional; there are use cases for providing behaviors to the class itself that can't be confused with features of the class's instances, and this is it.