I want to count how many houses are within a building. Dataset like the following:
BuildingID, HouseID
1, 1
1, 2
1, 3
2, 4
2, 5
2, 6
With the following code it shows the total count of the houses, however, houses 7 and 8 don't have a building, so it shouldn't count anything.
, HouseID
, COUNT(HouseID) OVER (PARTITION BY BuildingID) AS 'Houses in Building'
The result I get:
BuildingID, HouseID, Houses in Building
1, 1, 3
1, 2, 3
1, 3, 3
2, 4, 3
2, 5, 3
2, 6, 3
NULL, 7, 2
NULL, 8, 2
The result I want:
BuildingID, HouseID, Houses in Building
1, 1, 3
1, 2, 3
1, 3, 3
2, 4, 3
2, 5, 3
2, 6, 3
NULL, 7, NULL --or 0
NULL, 8, NULL --or 0
Any suggestions?
Just count the BuildingID. The COUNT
function does not count nulls so it'll work:
COUNT(BuildingID) OVER (PARTITION BY BuildingID) AS 'Houses in Building'
Note that it assumes that HouseID is not null.