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Weird validation error handling in Micronaut

I have a controller action to serve my react front-end. It requires the validation messages in the special format:

  @Post( uri = '{/id}', consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
  HttpResponse save( @PathVariable @Nullable Long id, @Body Map body ){
    def o = bindFromIdAndBody id, body

    if( flush:true ) ){ "version >> $o.version"
      HttpResponse.ok o
    }else{ '-------------------------'
      List errors = o.errors.fieldErrors.collect{ FieldError fe ->{ String c -> 
          messageSource.getMessage c, fe.arguments, null, Locale.default
        } ?:
      } "save failed for $o: $errors"
      HttpResponse.badRequest( errors:errors )

When I call the action, I'm getting 400 Bad Request in my client, but instead of { errors:[ {..}, {..}, {..} ] style JSON, I see rather:

  "message":"Validation Error(s) occurred during save() : Field error in object ...  default message [Property [{0}] of class [{1}] cannot be blank]\r\n",

Also the else{} block is never reached, I don't get any further logs.

Any hints?


  • It appears, that in GORM configuration for Micronaut done via

      compile 'io.micronaut.configuration:micronaut-hibernate-gorm'

    the failOnError is set to true by default. That led to ValidationException being thrown on save() instead of populating o.errors.

    To fix the issue I added the line

    grails.gorm.failOnError: false

    to my application.yml and now it's working like charm.