I tried to build and run the example ChirpConnectConsoleDemo in ChirpSDK-.Net-3.4.0 and found it was only able to receive the first, the third , the fifth and so on messages when I run a Chirp's message sender (running on Android device)(The Android Chirp message sender is modified based on the example chirp-android-examples to segment message by its MaxPayloadLength and send data chunk-by-chunk). In other words, the second, the fourth, the sixth and so on chunks would be lost.
I ever tried the Android example chirp-android-examples as the receiver. Using the same sender app on a Android device and running the same Android app on the other Android device as the receiver, the receiver can successfully receive all messages (no message lost).
I expected the Windows example also can successfully receive all messages sent from the Android Chirp app. However, as what I described, it always lost the even messages. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
The issue could be that you are sending payloads too quick, meaning there is no enough delay between payloads. Ideally, you should have at least 0.5 seconds of delay.
If the processing time is slow and the internal audio buffer size is small, this can quickly lead to a buffer overflow which means the SDK will miss chunks of audio.