I'm trying to make a server-client
program, where server
will listen to client's
messages and depends on the message, will response. I send a message from client
with username
and content
, server
accept it and print a message to sending to client
Till here is everything fine. But when it comes to sending a message server
will throw and error:
`TypeError: byte indices must be integers or slices, not str`
It looks like this line is the problem, but I'm not sure....
`clientsocket.send(msg['header'] + msg['data'])`
here is a whole server code. Please let me know, if client
code is necessary too please.
import socket
import time
import pickle
import select
IP = ""
PORT = 1234
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((IP, PORT))
sockets_list = [s]
clients = {}
# Handles message receiving
def receive_message(clientsocket):
message_header = clientsocket.recv(HEADERSIZE)
if not len(message_header):
return False
message_length = int(message_header.decode('utf-8').strip())
return {'header': message_header, 'data': clientsocket.recv(message_length)}
return False
while True:
read_sockets, _, exception_socket = select.select(sockets_list, [], sockets_list)
for notified_socket in read_sockets:
if notified_socket == s:
clientsocket, address = s.accept()
user = receive_message(clientsocket)
if user is False:
clients[clientsocket] = user
print(f"Connection from {address[0]}:{address[1]} has been estabilished! User:{user['data'].decode('utf-8')}")
message = receive_message(notified_socket)
if message is False:
print(f"Close connection from {clients[notified_socket]['data'].decode('utf-8')}")
del clients[notified_socket]
user = clients[notified_socket]
#message_decoded = message['data'].decode('utf-8')
print(f'Received message from {user["data"].decode("utf-8")}: {message["data"].decode("utf-8")}')
for clientsocket in clients:
if clientsocket == notified_socket:
if message["data"].decode("utf-8") == "y":
#d = {1: "Hey", 2: "there"}
msg = pickle.dumps("th.jpeg")
msg = bytes(f'{len(msg):<{HEADERSIZE}}', "utf-8") + msg
clientsocket.send(msg['header'] + msg['data'])
d = {1: "Hey", 2: "there"}
msg = pickle.dumps(d)
# msg = bytes(f'{len(msg):<{HEADERSIZE}}', "utf-8") + msg
clientsocket.send(msg['header'] + msg['data'])
for notified_socket in exception_socket:
del clients[notified_socket]
HERE is a whole error code:
Connection from has been estabilished! User:j
Received message from j: y
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "server.py", line 69, in <module>
clientsocket.send(msg['header'] + msg['data'])
TypeError: byte indices must be integers or slices, not str
As You can see, it works till sending the message line
msg = pickle.dumps("th.jpeg")
will encode the string "th.jpeg"
as a bytes-object.
msg = bytes(f'{len(msg):<{HEADERSIZE}}', "utf-8") + msg
just adds that bytes object to another bytes-object.
So msg
is a simple bytes-object, not any kind of server packet or similar. Therefor it is not possible to subscribe msg
with msg['header']
or any other string.
Your code seems a little weird but maybe just try this line:
Since you are already converting msg
to a bytes-object, it can be sent to the client directly. You just have to decode it properly in the client.