I have the following Agda code:
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Product
data Addressing : Set where
PC++ SP++ SP-- : Addressing
combine : Maybe Addressing → Maybe Addressing → Maybe Addressing
combine nothing y = y
combine (just x) nothing = just x
combine (just PC++) (just PC++) = just PC++
combine (just SP++) (just SP++) = just SP++
combine (just SP--) (just SP--) = just SP--
combine (just _) (just _) = nothing
record Ends : Set where
constructor _⇝_
before : Maybe Addressing
after : Maybe Addressing
open Ends
Compatible : Ends → Maybe Ends → Set
Compatible this that = Is-just (combine (after this) (that >>= before))
open import Data.Maybe.Relation.Unary.Any
append : (this : Ends) → (that : Maybe Ends) → Compatible this that → Ends
append ends nothing _ = ends
append (start ⇝ _) (just (_ ⇝ end)) _ = start ⇝ end
data Transfer : Set where
Load Store : Transfer
data Microcode (Step : Ends → Set) : Maybe Ends → Set where
[] : Microcode Step nothing
_∷_ : ∀ {this rest} → Step this → Microcode Step rest → {auto match : Compatible this rest} → Microcode Step (just (append this rest match))
infixr 20 _∷_
As you can see, combine
is a total function with two datatype arguments. I would expect auto match : Compatible this rest
to be easily resolved if this
and rest
are closed terms.
However, when I try to use it like this:
data Step : Ends → Set where
Load : (addr : Addressing) → Step (just addr ⇝ nothing)
Store : (addr : Addressing) → Step (nothing ⇝ just addr)
ALU : Step (nothing ⇝ nothing)
microcode : Microcode Step (just (just PC++ ⇝ just SP++))
microcode = Load PC++ ∷ Store SP++ ∷ []
then I get unsolved metas at every cons step:
_auto_56 : Compatible (nothing ⇝ just SP++) nothing
_match_57 : Compatible (nothing ⇝ just SP++) nothing
_auto_58 : Compatible (just PC++ ⇝ nothing) (just (nothing ⇝ just SP++))
_match_59 : Compatible (just PC++ ⇝ nothing) (just (nothing ⇝ just SP++))
What is going on here? If I put e.g. the first one in a hole and evaluate it, its normal form is:
Any (λ _ → Agda.Builtin.Unit.⊤) (just SP++)
which to me suggests Agda is able to compute it, so why is it not used to solve those auto
Agda doesn't have an auto
keyword. {auto match : Compatible this rest}
introduces two parameters, called auto
and match
For the desired behavior, one solution is to just use implicit arguments and predicates computing to ⊤
or ⊥
. If the predicate computes to ⊤
, its witness is inferred to be tt
by the eta law.
Compatible : Ends → Maybe Ends → Set
Compatible this that = T (is-just (combine (after this) (that >>= before)))
_∷_ : ... {match : Compatible this rest} ...
The other solution, corresponding more closely to Idris auto
, is instance arguments:
data Is-just' {A : Set} : Maybe A → Set where
instance is-just' : ∀ {x} → Is-just' (just x)
Compatible this that = Is-just' (combine (after this) (that >>= before))
_∷_ : ... {{match : Compatible this rest}} ...