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Clockify API, unexpected data returned?

I'm requesting some time entries for users with the Clockify API(). For some reason, I am receiving some responses which include entries without an end-time. I noticed that, the unexpectedly returned entries belong to currently running time entires... However, I did not specify/use the 'in-progress' parameter... What is happening here?

Here is my code:

def fetch_users_time_entries(users):
    API_URL = ""
    for user in users:
        url = "{}/workspaces/{}/user/{}/time-entries?hydrated=true&page-size=1000&start=2019-08-05T00:00:01Z".format(API_URL, WORKSPACE_ID, user['clockify_id'])
        time_entries = requests.get(url, headers=HEADER)
        for time_entry in time_entries.json():

Here is a sample of an unexpected "end" value:

      'name':'Etapa: Execução e Controle',

I was only expecting time entries that were completed. Any suggestions?


  • UPDATE (10/16/19):

    Another follow-up. They just send me an e-mail saying they fixed the problem. Putting the parameter "in-progress" to false will return only completed time entries. @matthew-e-miller it would be nice to add this to the answer. – Lukas Belck 5 hours ago

    Okay, so I finally had a chance to reproduce the problem and it seems... There is not an end-time filter. They have misleadingly provided a start and end parameter, but these both filter on start-time.

    The start and end parameters work like this:

    Clockify Start and End Overview

    The in-progress works as described in the doc, but it doesn't work for your application.


    I think your best bet is to request all the time entries, place them into a dict/list, and then use your python script to remove elements with "'end: 'None'".

    import requests
    import json
    headers = {"content-type": "application/json", "X-Api-Key": "your api key""}
    workspaceId = "your workspace id"
    userId = "your user id"
    params = {'start': '2019-08-28T11:10:32.998Z', 'end': '2019-08-29T02:05:02Z', 'in-progress': 'true'}
    API_URL = "{workspaceId}/user/{userId}/time-entries"
    result_one = requests.get(API_URL, headers=headers, params=params)
    List = json.loads(result_one.text)
    for entry in List:
        if entry.get("timeInterval")['end'] == None:


    List containing only entries which do not have timeInterval.end == 'None'.

    Here is time spent on this answer-edit:

    Clockify Time Spent On Question