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How to add assets in flutter Package/Plugin development?

I am developing a flutter package containing some assets files. I mentioned required assets in pubsepc.yaml as usual like this

    - assets/

and uploaded the package to

After that I created a flutter Application and imported my developed package in pubspec.yaml like...

    sdk: flutter
  my_developed_package: ^0.0.1

Now everything is working fine except my assets are absent. I put some assets in my Application without mentioning in pubsepc.yaml and its working. I am unable to understand, how do I add these assets to my package so that they load automatically?


  • The following approach helped me for including assets (not only images but any type of file) in plugin development.

    I put my assets under the lib folder like, my_plugin/lib/assets and in pubspec.yaml like this.

        - packages/my_plugin/assets/asset_name
      # Be careful about indentation

    It is mandatory to put your plugin assets in the lib directory, in other directories it won't work.

    It has been added with the plugin and then I accessed them with a path like this packages/my_plugin/assets/asset_name, e.g.

    File myAsset = File("packages/my_plugin/assets/asset_name");

    By this approach, I was able to get an asset from Plugin not only Images.

    For a complete example, you can check my plugin here.