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"attempting to reference a deleted function" for copy constructor

I am trying to get my head around the Rule of 5.

I have a class Renderable, which defines a custom destructor, so it seemed like a good candidate for the Rule of 5. This class creates some resources in its constructor, so my first thought was that I should prevent copying:

class Renderable {


    Renderable(const Sprite&) {
        // Allocate resources

    ~Renderable() {
        // Free resources

    // Prevent copying
    Renderable(const Renderable& other) = delete;


I have another class, Unit, which creates a Renderable in the initializer list of its constructor:

class Unit {


    Unit(const Sprite& sprite) :
            renderable(Renderable(sprite)) {}


    Renderable renderable;


I would expect this to call the regular Renderable constructor, but instead I get the error:

Renderable::Renderable(const Renderable &)': attempting to reference a deleted function

Why is this trying to call the copy constructor?

I even tried added debug lines to the copy constructor, but nothing is printed:

Renderable(const Renderable& other) : sprite(other.sprite) {
    std::cout << "copy constructor";


  • In addition to what others have said, I think you meant to write:

    Unit::Unit(const Sprite& sprite) :
        renderable(sprite) {}

    This invokes the converting constructor Renderable(const Sprite&) to initialise renderable directly, no copying involved.

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