I have a field (can_login
) in my users table.
normally,users can login. and logout with this code:
I want, when each time a logged-in user refresh a page,
laravel check can_login
in user table.
if can_login
is false, then auto logout.
I try this in RouteServiceProvider
public function boot()
return route('logout');
but auth()->user()
is always empty.
You can use a middleware or add a check to your existing authentication middleware.
On each request it passes through a middleware to check if user is authenticated and after that auth()->user()
will not be empty.
Simplest solution would be to create a middleware in app/Http/Middlewares/CheckUserCanLoginMiddleware.php
class CheckUserCanLoginMiddleware
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
) {
if ($request->user()->can_login ?? false) {
return $this->sendUnauthorizedResponse();
return $next($request);
And then register it as a routeMiddleware` in your bootstrap/app.php file.
The last thing you need is to use it to our routes middlewares after authentication middleware.