I am trying to mock a polymorphic function belonging to a trait in scala. The method is parameterized with [T: Manifest]
An minimum working (or failing, should I say) example is the following:
class ScalaMockTest extends FlatSpec with MockFactory {
trait testObject {
def parameterizedFunction[T: Manifest](a: T): T
it should "not fail with scalamock" in {
val mockObject = mock[testObject]
(mockObject.parameterizedFunction[Int] _)
Which results in the following error:
org.scalamock.function.MockFunction2 cannot be cast to org.scalamock.function.MockFunction1
When I remove change the function definition to def parameterizedFunction[T](a: T): T
(without the :Manifest
), this error no longer occurs.
How can I get rid of this runtime error, and why is this happening? Unfortunately simply removing the Manifest
is not possible because of dependencies in the code that I am actually trying to mock.
A little tweak in the syntax should make it work:
class ScalaMockTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {
trait testObject {
def parameterizedFunction[T: Manifest](a: T): T
"this" should "not fail with scalamock" in {
val mockObject = mock[testObject]
(mockObject.parameterizedFunction(_ : Int)(_ : Manifest[Int]))
.expects(*, *)
mockObject.parameterizedFunction[Int](3) shouldBe 4
It's covered in the user guide