Python sklearn CountVectorizer has an "analyzer" parameter which has a "char_wb" option. According to the definition,
"Option ‘char_wb’ creates character n-grams only from text inside word boundaries; n-grams at the edges of words are padded with space.".
My question here is, how does CountVectorizer identify a "word" from a string? More specifically, are "words" simply space-separated strings from a sentence, or are they identified by more complex techniques like word_tokenize from nltk?
The reason I ask this is that I am analyzing social media data which has a whole lot of @mentions and #hashtags. Now, nltk's word_tokenize breaks up a "@mention" into ["@", "mention], and a "#hashtag" into ["#", "hashtag"]. If I feed these into CountVectorizer with ngram_range > 1, the "#" and "@" will never be captured as features. Moreover, I want character n-grams (with char_wb) to capture "@m" and "#h" as features, which won't ever happen if CountVectorizer breaks up @mentions and #hashtags into ["@","mentions"] and ["#","hashtags"].
What do I do?
It seperates words by whitespace as you can see in the source code.
def _char_wb_ngrams(self, text_document):
"""Whitespace sensitive char-n-gram tokenization.
Tokenize text_document into a sequence of character n-grams
operating only inside word boundaries. n-grams at the edges
of words are padded with space."""
# normalize white spaces
text_document = self._white_spaces.sub(" ", text_document)
min_n, max_n = self.ngram_range
ngrams = []
# bind method outside of loop to reduce overhead
ngrams_append = ngrams.append
for w in text_document.split():
w = ' ' + w + ' '
w_len = len(w)
for n in range(min_n, max_n + 1):
offset = 0
ngrams_append(w[offset:offset + n])
while offset + n < w_len:
offset += 1
ngrams_append(w[offset:offset + n])
if offset == 0: # count a short word (w_len < n) only once
return ngrams
text_document.split() splits by whitespace.