I saw the documentation describing covering index:
covering index
An index that includes all the columns retrieved by a query.
Does it mean that the covering index is a specific index?
I think covering index is a phenomenon.
If i follow the description of the document, then please see the following sql statement:
create index idx_name_age on table(id, name)
select id, name from table where id = 1
select id, name, age from table where id = 1
is a covering index in first statement, the second one is not.
So I think instead: the covering index is a phenomenon rather than an index.
Let's say that "covering" is "an attribute of an INDEX relative to a particular SELECT
Some examples:
select id, name from table where id = 1
INDEX(id, name) -- covering; best index
INDEX(id, name, age) -- covering, but overkill
INDEX(age, name, id) -- covering, but inefficient (might not be used)
select id, name, age from table where id = 1
INDEX(id, name, age) -- Having `id` first is optimal, but any order is "covering"
As already pointed out, if this is InnoDB and the table has PRIMARY KEY(id)
, then none of these secondary indexes are worth having.
No index is very useful since the GROUP BY and ORDER BY are not the same.
INDEX(a,b,c) -- in any order, is "covering"
INDEX(b,c,a) -- "covering", and perhaps optimal.
INDEX(b,c,a,d) -- "covering", but 'bigger'
Bigger matters in small ways. When doing SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ...
, InnoDB will (usually) pick the 'smallest' index to do the counting.
Another 'rule' is to avoid redundant indexes.
INDEX(a,b) -- Let's say you 'need' this one.
INDEX(a) -- Then this one is redundant and should be dropped.