I have followed minimal examples using the rouge
gem here (i.e. the documentation), as well as here and here.
Everything working, except that line breaks in the code aren't appearing.
To be explicit, code like this
def plus_two(x)
x + 2
has the colours highlighted correctly, but is rendered across one line, like so
def plus_two(x) x + 2 end
How can I make it render with the line breaks (just as in the code file)
require 'rouge'
source = "def plus_two(x)\n x + 2\nend"
formatter = Rouge::Formatters::HTML.new
lexer = Rouge::Lexers::R.new
@code = formatter.format(lexer.lex(source))
require 'rouge'
source = "def plus_two(x)\n x + 2\nend"
formatter = Rouge::Formatters::HTML.new
formatter = Rouge::Formatters::HTMLLinewise.new(formatter, class: 'line-%i')
lexer = Rouge::Lexers::R.new
@code = formatter.format(lexer.lex(source))
More formatting options here