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Device not configured after sshfs attempt

After using sshfs on my Mac I am no longer able to see my user directory.

When I open a terminal window I see the following:

Last login: Mon May 22 10:54:30 on ttys003
mkdir: /Users/<username>/.bash_sessions: Device not configured
-bash: /Users/<username>/.bash_profile: Device not configured
touch: /Users/<username>/.bash_sessions/35166655-583B-47CC-9BCF-5E785DD5E46E.historynew: Device not configured

Is there any way to fix this?

Cheers Paul


  • I used to use sshfs and got this error; the only way to fix it I found without rebooting was:

    sudo diskutil umount force /path/to/mount

    I've recently been trying for something else and find I can get into the same situation, the "fix" works in that case as well.