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why this constexpr if doesn't compile

I want to simplify a code by using a constexpr function instead of multi constexpr if branches.

This is the code with the old code commented the old code compiles with msvc (vs 2017 with c++17) and clang (android ndk r20), but it fails to compile with clang 8 in for windows x64 in visual studio !

and the new code neither compiles with msvc nor clang

template <class T>
constexpr bool IsValueNegative(T value) // this function should be evaluated at runtime but it it isn't !
    if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>) // SOCKET = ULONG_PTR and linux handles are int
        return value < 0;
    else // HANDLE = void * and most other handles are pointers
        return (intptr_t)value < 0;

template <class T, const T null_value, bool no_negative = true>
class HandleWrapper
    HandleWrapper() : handle(null_value)
    HandleWrapper(T h) : handle(h)
        if constexpr (no_negative) // to convert INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE to nullptr
            if constexpr (!IsValueNegative(null_value)) // SOCKET invalid handle is -1
                if (IsValueNegative(handle)) // 
                    handle = null_value;
            if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>)
                if constexpr (null_value >= 0)
                    if (handle < 0)
                        handle = null_value;
                if constexpr ((intptr_t)null_value >= 0) // clang 8 can't compile this , don't know why
                    if ((intptr_t)handle < 0)
                        handle = null_value;
    T handle;

template <class T, const T null_value, bool no_negative, auto Deleter>
struct HandleHelper
    using pointer = HandleWrapper<T, null_value, no_negative>;
    void operator()(pointer p)
        if constexpr (!no_negative)
            if (!IsValueNegative(null_value) && IsValueNegative(T(p))) // pseudo handle from GetCurrentProcess or GetCurrentThread
        if constexpr (!no_negative && )
            if ((uintptr_t)T(p) <= 0)
                std::cout << "[*] this is a pseudo handle\n";

using Handle = std::unique_ptr<HandleWrapper<HANDLE, nullptr, true>, HandleHelper<HANDLE, nullptr, true, CloseHandle>>;
using ProcessHandle = std::unique_ptr<HandleWrapper<HANDLE, nullptr, false>, HandleHelper<HANDLE, nullptr, false, CloseHandle>>;
using ThreadHandle = ProcessHandle;

The new code fails to compile in this line :

if constexpr (!IsValueNegative(null_value)) // SOCKET invalid handle is -1

the error code from msvc is :

Error C2131 expression did not evaluate to a constant

and from clang 8 :

constexpr if condition is not a constant expression

however all the null_value is known at compile time


  • Clang gives this error when you run it:

    note: cast that performs the conversions of a reinterpret_cast is not allowed in a constant expression
            return (intptr_t)value < 0;

    Casting a pointer to an integer type is not a constant expression (because it is a reinterpret_cast), so you can't use if constexpr.