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What is the FindObjectOfType<ARRayCastManager> referencing?

I'm reading the file "InputInteractionBase" from the samples, and there is this piece of code arRaycastManager = FindObjectOfType<ARRaycastManager>();. As I understand, AzureSpatialAnchors uses ARFoundation's ARRaycastManager to do raycasting, but I can't find this gameobject from the Unity scene?

I'm currently trying to get the detected planes, which should be from an ARPlaneManager but I can't find any references to it. How should I do this?

I think my main problem is that I don't fully understand how azure spatial anchors work with underlying platforms. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it!


  • I've found the answer:

    In the CameraPicker object, it there is a XR Camera Picker script that chooses the correct framework, which includes ARFoundation prefab.

    The prefab includes all the managers needed