How shall I call "MyMethod" using reflection in below code.
I have an existing C# code which has predefined structure which I am not allow to change. I need to call a method present in a class using reflection.
In below code "_instance" contains object of "Foo". I neeed to call "MyMethod" using "PropElementHighlighter" property in Consumer class.
using System.Reflection;
public class Foo
public void MyMethod(string Argument)
//some code
public class MainWindow
private Foo _instance;
public Foo PropElementHighlighter { get { return _instance; } }
public class Consumer
Type control = MainWindow.GetType();
PropertyInfo l_propInfo = control.GetProperty("PropElementHighlighter", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
MethodInfo l_HighlightMethodInfo = l_propInfo.PropertyType.GetMethod("MyMethod");
l_HighlightMethodInfo.Invoke(l_propInfo, new object[]{"Parameter1"});
I am getting error "Object does not match target type." while invoking method.
You are getting error because you are setting property info in object of method. Try to set value of property:
Type control = mainWindow.GetType();
PropertyInfo l_propInfo = control.GetProperty("PropElementHighlighter", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
var propertyValue = l_propInfo.GetValue(mainWindow);
MethodInfo l_HighlightMethodInfo = l_propInfo.PropertyType.GetMethod("MyMethod");
l_HighlightMethodInfo.Invoke(propertyValue, new object[] { "Parameter1" });