I would like to plot errorbar
with datetime
on x-axis
x = datetime(['21-Aug-2019'; '22-Aug-2019'; '23-Aug-2019']);
y = [100; 110; 130];
plot(x,y, '.')
hold on
errorbar(x, y, 20)
The final line produces this error-
Error using errorbar (line 76)
Input arguments must be numeric or objects which can be converted to double.
Even the following produces error
errorbar(datenum(x), y, 20*ones(size(y)))
I am using R2016b
does not support datetime
object. You can use datenum
and datetick
datenum will convert your string vector containing your date into a double vector. Now that x is a double vector it can be used in errorbar
Finally convert your x label into human readable date format with datetick
x = datenum(['21-Aug-2019'; '22-Aug-2019'; '23-Aug-2019']);
y = [100; 110; 130];
hold on
plot(x,y, '.')
errorbar(x, y, [20;20;20])