I need to write a script in bash/python
to scp
the latest file which arrives at a given folder.That is I am continously getting files into a folder say (/home/ram/Khopo/
) I need to scp it into xxx@192.168.21.xxx
in /home/xxx/khopo/
I googled and got this result
file_to_copy=`ssh username@hostname 'ls -1r | head -1'`
echo copying $file_to_copy ...
scp username@hostname:$file_to_copy /local/path
But I want to know whether it is possible do this such that it runs only when a new folder arrives at the source(/home/ram/Khopo/
) and waits for the file to reach the folder and do it immediately when it has arrived
As others have suggested you can use inotifywait
, below an example of what you could do in bash:
echo "Enter ssh password"
IFS= read -rs password # Read the password in a hidden way
inotifywait -m -e create "/folder_where_files_arrive" | while read line
file_to_copy=$(echo $line | cut -d" " -f1,3 --output-delimiter="")
echo copying $file_to_copy ...
if [[ -d $file_to_copy ]]; then # is a directory
sshpass -p $password scp -r username@hostname:$file_to_copy /local/path
elif [[ -f $file_to_copy ]]; then # is a file
sshpass -p $password scp username@hostname:$file_to_copy /local/path
Then you would ideally put this script to run in background, e.g.,:
nohup script.sh &
For sshpass
you can install it in ubunut/debian with:
apt install sshpass